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Ever been stressed? lol There are of course, different types of stress, honing in on what type of stress is causing your angst can help you get over it quicker. Physical stress is pretty easy to ident...
yourlife Oct 22, 2016
Now I like to have fun just as much as the next guy – possibly more. And I like a good challenge too. But when I signed on the dotted line to run the Las Vegas Rock and Rock Marathon in November...
yourlife Oct 01, 2016
Take my book for free. I want you to have it. I want you to share it. I want it do more good in the world. It’s called When Enlightening Strikes – Creating a Mindset for Uncommon Success a...
yourlife Sep 12, 2016
Loved my time with power couple Sophia Asghar and Tim Gard. We talked health, humour and writing words on the roof of your mouth!  lol Yep, that’s a visual you won’t soon forget and a...
yourlife Sep 03, 2016
Concur the buffet line. Research shows that slim people to different things at an ‘all you can eat’ buffet. We can emulate their behaviour to help us cut down on eating to excess. First th...
yourlife Aug 09, 2016
  Spread the Joy According to the Academy of Sciences (Frederickson eval, 2013) happiness from having a purpose in life is linked with gene activity. What the study tells us is that doing good an...
yourlife Aug 02, 2016
Acknowledge those that are easy to forget. Have you ever thought to notice who's invisible in your life? Perhaps it’s your bus driver, mailman, service provider? The clerk behind the counter, th...
yourlife Jun 17, 2016
Master Three-Point Communication Have you ever had to deliver negative feedback and found it extra difficult because the person in question didn’t take it so well, maybe they took it little to p...
yourlife Mar 30, 2016
Know when to take action Your colleague is late and it's affecting you. Your spouse says that certain word that gets your back up. Your kid left something at the top of the stairs instead of bringing ...
yourlife Mar 25, 2016
Meet Sean, the shoelace guy. I meet him last week. Sean, a nice, young, corporate guy dressed in the tidy requisite suit caught my attention. Not because of his smiling face but because of his shoelac...
yourlife Jan 30, 2016