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I visited a friend. It wasn't a normal visit and in fact it wasn't even a normal friendship. We played on the same sports team, we had mutual friends, we had been in the same business. All was good. A...
yourlife Sep 23, 2018
  I recall her being in her early 60’s. Most of the time she was in bed requiring frequent re-positioning to keep her from getting bedsores. She demanded a huge amount of time and attention...
yourlife Feb 05, 2018
You need not set out to create a masterpiece my friend; you are one. Your mere presence in the world has changed everything… while having very little to do with the whole global warming business...
yourlife Dec 12, 2017
  I have just returned from a 4 day/3 night trek on the Inca Trail to Machu Pecchu in Peru. Some may think this would be a dream vacation, adventurers may have had this on their bucket list for a...
yourlife Nov 27, 2017
  Two women who wowed, amazed and inspired me and we had some great convo on Your Life, Unlimited radio on CJOB. Jean Kay has written a poem a day for almost 20 years! What??? Yep, it’s tru...
yourlife Aug 09, 2017
This week on Your Life, Unlimited radio on CJOB Cindy Hogg, partner at Moving the Human Spirit shed some light on the oft hidden Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PSTD. We talked about the emotio...
yourlife Jul 24, 2017
  Last June as part of my 50/50 list (50 challenges in my 50th year) I decided to go Vegetarian for 50 days. Well, the actual challenge was to go Vegan for 30, but it was a little more than I was...
yourlife Jun 09, 2017
This time on CJOB Radio… Gabriella Love is so committed to a cause, a positive shift, so she changed her last name to Love to subliminally send a message of love out into the world. This spunky ...
yourlife Apr 10, 2017
Imagine having stones thrown at you while you are running. Imagine having to run in circles in private to save yourself from danger. Martin Parnell and I sat down for a chat on Your Life, Unlimited Ra...
yourlife Apr 06, 2017
  Do you remember my Anti-Stress blog post? Well Lucy Grover with Positive Health Wellness sure did and was kind enough to pass along some information to share with my wonderful readers! Check it...
yourlife Jan 26, 2017