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They say when you are ready the teacher will appear and so he did. About three weeks into my self-imposed 50 day sugar-free retreat, I was connected with Barry Friedman, author of I Love Me More Than ...
yourlife Dec 30, 2015
Dr. Ryan Greschuk author of, It’s Not Your Fault You’ve been Lied To shares some insights on today’s podcast. Dr.Ryan believes that your body has within it everything it needs to be ...
yourlife Dec 21, 2015
Help people, and yourself, feel included. Have you ever walked into a room and not known anyone? It's kind of a yucky feeling looking around for someone to talk to when you see every one else is alrea...
yourlife Dec 03, 2015
I passed by a drink machine the other day and the sign said Out of Order. Oh man, that sign resonated with me at that moment. I had felt out of order for the last few days.It was the weekend and we ex...
yourlife Nov 16, 2015
Be patient. If you are have been starting to eat healthier or exercise or work on a new project, you may get frustrated because you aren't seeing changes or feeling as different as quickly as you had ...
yourlife Oct 08, 2015
Want to do something that matters? Donate something this week. Call Big Brother's or The Diabetes Collection Crew or whatever charity in your town does donation pick up and arrange a date for them to ...
yourlife Sep 28, 2015
Don't underestimate the family meals. So many families, with the rush of scheduling, are not getting the full bang for their buck at mealtime. Eating together is about more than just eating together. ...
yourlife Sep 08, 2015
Barbara Teicher, author of It’s HOW you say it, shared with us some great communication ideas on our Your Life, Unlimited radio show today. She shares her guest post here: BE the Difference Have...
yourlife Mar 02, 2015
Prefer to listen to the podcast, go for it! Your Life, Unlimited with Stephanie Staples & Christopher Bauer podcasted here. Ethics, morals, guiding principles - tough topics that don't usually com...
yourlife Oct 28, 2014
I love a lot of things in life. I love travel, I love people, I love animals, I love adventure – but one thing I really, really love is food. I love the smell of food, the texture of food &ndash...
yourlife Oct 20, 2014