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Nearly half of those who took part in an online poll say they support their province using the notwithstanding clause to ensure that schools tell parents if their child wishes to use a different name ...
Oct 12, 2023
Protesters against Saskatchewan's controversial education policies gathered at the Legislative Building on Tuesday as the government worked to make the new policies law.The new policies require parent...
Oct 11, 2023
The Town of Battleford recently had an opportunity to discuss several issues that have been on their mind with the province.At last week's council meeting, Mayor Ames Leslie explained they got the cha...
Oct 10, 2023
Protesters on both sides of Saskatchewan's controversial education policies met at the Legislative Building on Tuesday as the government worked to make the new policies law.The new policies require pa...
Oct 10, 2023
The Saskatchewan Party government is prepared to introduce legislation this afternoon and invoke the notwithstanding clause over its pronoun policy in schools. Premier Scott Moe has said the governmen...
Oct 10, 2023
Saskatchewan politicians are heading back to the legislature, preparing for a pronoun fight that some political observers say could alter the province's electoral landscape. The legislative assembly i...
Oct 09, 2023
The leader of Saskatchewan's Official Opposition is making a major commitment to voters in preparation for next year's election.Carla Beck said that if the NDP form government, they would scrap the ne...
Oct 06, 2023
Prince Albert is getting support from the Saskatchewan government to help fight the homelessness crisis. The province announced on Friday they were allocating over $40 million over the next two years ...
Oct 06, 2023
Manitobans made history Tuesday night by electing an NDP government led by Wab Kinew, who is to become the first First Nations premier of a province in Canada. Kinew was raised as a young boy on the O...
Oct 04, 2023
The provincial government continues to receive backlash for its naming and pronoun policy as well as its announced use of the notwithstanding clause.Harini Sivalingam, equality director of the Canadia...
Oct 01, 2023