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Highway 7 will be getting a safety facelift this summer.The plan is to overhaul the stretch of highway, which runs 261 kilometres from Saskatoon to the Alberta border, with major safety improvements t...
Jun 14, 2019 Work begins on the Highway 7 twinning project (supplied/Government of Saskatchewan)
A judge has accepted a joint submission that will see Husky Oil Operations pay $3.82 million in fines for charges stemming from a 2016 oil spill near Maidstone.The company pleaded guilty to three envi...
Jun 12, 2019 Images submitted to court show an overhead view of the bridge over Highway 21 and oil slicks in the North Saskatchewan River. (submitted/Saskatchewan Courts)
The entire roof on the new Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford (SHNB) will be replaced as roofing panels on the facility have shrunk and caused water leaks.The recommendation comes from the consort...
May 22, 2019 The entire roof on the new Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford has to be replaced. It opened in November 2018. (file photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Spring has arrived in Saskatchewan, and with the change in weather, drivers will notice changes to roads throughout the province.The province's highways will be seeing some more activity as spring see...
May 12, 2019 Spring can be a busy time for the province's highways (File Photo/paNOW Staff)
CAA is back with its annual list of the top ten worst roads in the province as voted by motorists. Topping the list are two area highways - Highway 26 outside of Goodsoil and Highway 21 by Paradise Hi...
May 10, 2019 Highway 26 outside of Goodsoil was voted as the worst road in the province in CAA's annual worst road campaign. (supplied photo/CAA)
Motorists in the area may once again take advantage of some water-crossing shortcuts.Steve Shaheen, senior communications consultant with the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure said the province'...
May 08, 2019 Warm weather has cleared ice from the the North and South Saskatchewan Rivers, which means the province's ferries are back in action. (file photo/paNOW Staff)
The Town of Battleford will start work on a big project this summer for sewer replacement upgrades at Second Avenue (between 30th and 35th Streets).The project will be completed in phases, starting wi...
May 08, 2019 Battleford councillors Shelley Boutin-Gervais, left, and Doug Laing.
The Turtleford community now has better access to emergency healthcare services now that work on the new landing pad for the Shock, Trauma, Air Rescue Service (STARS) air ambulance is complete. STARS ...
May 03, 2019 The new landing pad is now complete for the Shock, Trauma, Air Rescue Service (STARS) air ambulance in Turtleford. (submitted photo/Melanie Garner)
The federal government is putting $54 million into various projects around the region, including crime prevention in the north, forest fire prevention and flood mitigation. The money was announced Tue...
Apr 23, 2019 Federal Minister Ralph Goodale was in Prince Albert Tuesday to announced $54 million in funding for six new initiatives across the region. (Charlene Tebbutt/paNOW Staff)
Now that the snow is gone, local drivers can take a look at the damage to the roads after a long cold winter.In this spirit CAA Saskatchewan is asking people to nominate what roads they think are the ...
Apr 19, 2019 CAA Saskatchewan is accepting nominations for Saskathcewan's Worst Roads (File Photo/paNOW Staff)