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As mining giant Rio Tinto gears up for large bulk sampling of diamonds at the proposed Fort la Corne mining site east of Prince Albert, the owners of the kimberlite deposits are releasing information ...
Mar 06, 2019 A huge trench cutter rig operated by Rio Tinto will excavate a massive hole starting in the spring as the mining company aims to determine the amount and value of diamonds buried in the kimberlites at Fort à la Corne east of Prince Albert.(submitted photo/Star Diamond Corp.) : Glenn Hicks
As the owner of the destroyed Christopher Lake Heritage Hotel and Bar awaits the outcome of the fire investigation, he said the landmark was a cornerstone of the community. Robert Reddekopp has not ru...
Mar 06, 2019 Christopher Lake Hotel and Bar fire aftermath. (Michael Joel Hansen/paNOW Staff) : Glenn Hicks
The people have spoken and Edam has been crowned the Coldest Barn in Saskatchewan. For twenty days, people were tweeting, voting and sharing their stories of cold rinks around the province.A Twitter p...
Mar 01, 2019 Edam was voted the #SKColdestBarn in February poll conducted on Twitter and battlefordsNOW (Brady Lang/battlefordsNOW staff) : Brady Lang
A solar power project capable of producing up to 324 kilowatts of electricity will soon take shape on the Muskoday First Nation (MFN). The community is home to one of 23 solar projects and 15 flare ga...
Feb 22, 2019 (Alexander Manykin/ : Alexander Manykin (Alex3)
The wide-reaching impact the construction of a wellness, healing and recovery centre in the tri-communities will have in northern Saskatchewan was apparent at a special announcement today.Surrounded b...
Feb 14, 2019
Creative fundraising ideas, plenty of volunteer commitment, and even chipping away at the ice surface by hand. Those are just some of the ways a dedicated band of people are meeting the challenges of ...
Feb 13, 2019
The City of North Battleford is putting the call out to hire a new director of infrastructure to replace former director Dan Loewen who left the position in December, 2018.In the meantime, the city's ...
Feb 13, 2019
There is still no indication as to when the dormant Cameco operations at McArthur River/ Key Lake will re-open, despite a bounce back in immediate, or "spot" uranium prices.That was the message from C...
Feb 11, 2019
Some former STC riders are looking on in frustration after finding out the provincial government turned down about $2 million from the federal government for a public bus system last year.The offer wa...
Feb 07, 2019