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A study by a University of Regina professor shows water bills for low-income households in several Saskatchewan cities are becoming increasingly unaffordable.The report by Jim Warren, an assistant pro...
Oct 04, 2019 (File photo/paNOW Staff)
With the snip of a ribbon, Mayor Ryan Bater officially reopened 100 St. after two months of construction.Heralded as another step forward in downtown revitalization, the work included infrastructure r...
Sep 19, 2019
The first season of deep trench-cutting by Rio Tinto at Star Diamond Corporation's Star-Orion South Diamond Project in the Fort la Corne forest east of Prince Albert is reaching a conclusion. Ahead of...
Sep 17, 2019 George Reed with Star Diamond Corporation, left and Rio Tinto's Gary Hodgkinson in front of the star attraction at Project Falcon, the Trench Cutter Sampling Rig. (Ian Gustafson/paNOW Staff)
The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA), along with Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, unveiled their new $12 million facility Friday. The centralized offices will allow them the opportunity to control ...
Sep 13, 2019 SIGA opened their new office and warehouse on September 13, 2019. (Brady Lang/650 CKOM)
Even with a soft timeline set to bring down the old Saskatchewan Hospital, efforts to preserve parts of and the history of the facility remain active.The Ministry of Central Services confirmed last we...
Sep 09, 2019 The old Saskatchewan Hospital will likely be demolished in the spring of 2020 but efforts to preserve the facade and history of the building remain ongoing. (Tyler Marr/battlefordsNOW Staff)
The federal and provincial governments are contributing millions of dollars to fund a wellness centre on the Thunderchild First Nation. The Thunderchild Wellness Centre northeast of Turtleford will ho...
Sep 07, 2019 ID 113063501 © Crazymedia Crazymedia |
The bell will soon toll for the former Saskatchewan Hospital.The province confirmed the building will likely be demolished in the spring of 2020 as it has not received any response from its request fo...
Sep 05, 2019 The former Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford is likely to be demolished in the spring of 2020, according to the province. (supplied photo/Ministry of Central Services)
Nearly two months after two tornadoes struck Meadow Lake Provincial Park, work continues to recover from the damage.Three people were transported to hospital with non-life threatening injuries followi...
Aug 23, 2019 Drone imagery following the storm that hit Meadow Lake Provincial Park from the Northern Tornadoes Project. (Northern Tornadoes Project)
The Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure is set to replace the Highway 903 culvert washed away late last month and place additional culverts under the highway as part of their repair plans.A sectio...
Aug 22, 2019 Repair plans for Highway 903 include placing four culverts to reduce future washouts. Construction is expected to start in mid-September. (submitted photo/Amber Dishko)
How does town council want to invest in its infrastructure: a local improvement plan or by way of an infrastructure levy.This question caused lawmakers in Battleford to table talks on an overall asset...
Aug 21, 2019 (file photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)