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As mining giant Rio Tinto gears up for large bulk sampling of diamonds at the proposed Fort la Corne mining site east of Prince Albert, the owners of the kimberlite deposits are releasing information ...
Mar 06, 2019 A huge trench cutter rig operated by Rio Tinto will excavate a massive hole starting in the spring as the mining company aims to determine the amount and value of diamonds buried in the kimberlites at Fort à la Corne east of Prince Albert.(submitted photo/Star Diamond Corp.) : Glenn Hicks
With consumers becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of the products they buy, a restaurant in northern Saskatchewan has ditched Styrofoam, plastic and other materials that might nev...
Mar 06, 2019 Cravings Late Night Food owner Jamie Charles holds a milkshake in a paper cup and a straw. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
There was a moose on the loose in the town of Battleford Monday.The calf was called in by a concerned resident, when they spotted the wildlife on Finlayson Island roaming the trails. Battleford's Park...
Mar 05, 2019 ID 80549457 © Ondřej Prosický | : Ondrej Prosicky
Saskatchewan residents will soon start seeing changes to their SaskEnergy and SaskPower bills.According to a media release, starting April 1, the Federal Carbon Tax will be applied to all bills receiv...
Mar 04, 2019 (File photo/paNOW Staff)
The people have spoken and Edam has been crowned the Coldest Barn in Saskatchewan. For twenty days, people were tweeting, voting and sharing their stories of cold rinks around the province.A Twitter p...
Mar 01, 2019 Edam was voted the #SKColdestBarn in February poll conducted on Twitter and battlefordsNOW (Brady Lang/battlefordsNOW staff) : Brady Lang
One cannabis store owner in Saskatchewan believes low supply in the months following legalization could be one reason the province's cannabis sales are much lower than in other Canadian jurisdictions....
Feb 27, 2019 Legal cannabis sales are lagging behind in Saskatchewan when compared to other parts of the country. (file photo/CKOM News Staff) : Tyler Marr
Proposed changes to Saskatchewan's laws around trespassing have been generating controversy in some corridors.The new legislation, which is expected to come up for debate in the spring would put the o...
Feb 25, 2019 The Government of Saskatchewan wants the public's help to solve the issues surrounding the province's new trespassing laws and hunters. (file photo/paNOW Staff)
While most Canadians can expect an abrupt flip to spring in March, according to The Weather Network, the Prairies are not yet out of the woods. "It looks like a furious finish to winter east of the Ro...
Feb 25, 2019 Geese walk on a frozen pond of water. The prairies are foretasted to have a wild swing into spring. (file photo/battlefordsNOW Staff) : Tyler Marr
A solar power project capable of producing up to 324 kilowatts of electricity will soon take shape on the Muskoday First Nation (MFN). The community is home to one of 23 solar projects and 15 flare ga...
Feb 22, 2019 (Alexander Manykin/ : Alexander Manykin (Alex3)
It was an experience like no other for Grade 6 students at Gordon Denny Community School as they had the honour of participating in this year's Fish 4 Life fly-in trip to Hunter Bay. The first group o...
Feb 19, 2019