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A view of some of the insulation deterioration in the Public Works building's roof's interior. (Submitted/Town of Battleford)
Improvements needed

Town looks at upgrades to Public Works building’s roof

Jun 23, 2023 | 9:00 AM

The Town of Battleford is looking to make upgrades to the metal roof of its Public Works Shop building.

Council members discussed the issue at its meeting this week.

Council agreed it would be best if the Town put out two Requests for Proposals: one to replace the insulated metal roof system and a separate proposal to refurbish the metal roof instead.

Town Public Works Manager Eric Bilanski presented his report to council.

Roof management services firm RMIS Engineering, out of Regina, completed an assessment of the roof condition that showed even though the building is more than 40 years old, the metal roof is still in good shape. Although, it has some issues.

Of significant concern, the foil-faced insulation has deteriorated over time, causing vapour to migrate into the insulation. This results in condensation in the winter months that impact its thermal performance and leads to continued deterioration.

Bilanski gave council two options.

A total metal roof system replacement could be done but that would be costly, estimated at a total of about $477,000 including PST. This would also include replacing the insulation. Bilanski noted this project would likely exceed $60 per square foot.

Alternatively, work could be done to refurbish the metal roof, for a total estimated cost of $273,957 including PST. In this case, Bilanski said the biggest cost would be to remove the foil-faced insulation and apply spray foam insulation instead.

The town’s budgeted amount for the project is $258,000.

“If we choose to refurbish, and do the recommended preventative maintenance, they estimate we should get at least another 20 to 25 years performance out of the existing roof,” Bilanski said.

He noted there are a couple of different options council can look at.

“I suggest we proceed with RMIS to do a written specification sheet to put out, and we can get some request for quotes in either option and see which is more viable, which we think would be a better decision,” Bilanski added.

Council approved the amended motion for the Town to proceed with RMIS’s original specification sheet to put out to tender for the Metal Roof Refurbishment Program. As well, the Town will work with RMIS to do a written specification sheet to put out to tender for a Roof Replacement and Insulation Project, not to exceed $60 per sq. foot.

Coun. Judy Pruden supported getting quotes for the two projects – to replace the roof and refurbish it.

“I think it’s a good idea to get both and see what we’re looking at down the road,” she said.

Mayor Ames Leslie agreed.

“Both options could potentially be over budget,” he said. “So, both would have to come back for approval for being over budget as a project. Or, we could look into next year and roll the cash over and budget accordingly.”

Following the meeting, Leslie said the Public Works Building roof repairs have been in the Town’s capital projects to-do list for about two or three years now.

“Management is bringing it forward as a priority,” he said. “As we all heard it, both ways – either a full replacement or just refurbishing – the roof is going to exceed budget. So, council would like to see a tender for both.”

After the tenders are released, council will decide which way it wants to go.

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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