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Erika Ritchie, Saskatchewan NDP Municipal Affairs Critic and Saskatoon Nutana MLA, (left) with Battlefords Chamber of Commerce chief operating officer Linda Machniak. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Meeting with local leadership

NDP Municipal Affairs Critic visits Battlefords

Apr 10, 2023 | 1:59 PM

Erika Ritchie, Saskatchewan NDP Municipal Affairs Critic was in the Battlefords recently to reach out to local leadership.

During her visit, she met with Town of Battleford Mayor Ames Leslie and Coun. Doug Laing.

Ritchie has been travelling across Saskatchewan, meeting with mayors and Chamber representatives since taking over the portfolio in September, to hear about what’s working and what challenges they face.

“Coming out of the [provincial] budget that was just approved, there are some really common responses and themes in terms of the PST on construction impacting on their budgets,” she said. “That’s something we hear consistently with every community we go to because when they are paying that PST on construction it’s impacting on their budgets.”

That’s one concern she also heard from the Town of Battleford council.

Ritchie said when she asked Leslie about some of his issues, he pointed to policing and crime reduction, as among his top priorities.

“He was happy to see a new team [the second RCMP Crime Reduction Unit] to provide some of that policing,” she said. “But that [crime] continues to be a concern. There are a lot of sociological factors that flow into those circumstances. Our caucus has been very vocal about the inadequate level of funding to address some of those root causes.”

Ritchie further added all communities she visited were concerned about the PST on construction. She would like to see it removed.

“We’ve been very consistent in our call. It was the same for the Saskatchewan Chamber [of Commerce], and other chambers across the province,” she said. “It’s really hurt the business sector, [and] the building sector. Building permits are down significantly here in the province right now.”

Ritchie also said that for municipalities relying on a General Revenue Fund formula for the funds they receive from the provincial government and also grants through various funding programs, they are charged the PST on those construction and capital projects. She added that with supply chain and inflationary pressures, it’s impacting municipalities’ capital budgets.

During her meetings, Ritchie mentioned she heard some positive remarks from the Town of Battleford on the benefits of working together with area partners.

“I did hear some encouraging comments about the opportunities for collaboration between the urban and rural municipalities, particularly around health,” she said. “I think that as we move forward as a province that regional solutions are important, in finding ways to build on the strengths within communities – and not just rural and urban, but also other levels of government and the First Nations and Métis realm, and how we can find collaborations and solutions with all those stakeholders at the table.”

Ritchie also met with Battlefords Chamber of Commerce Chief Operating Officer Linda Machniak during her visit.

Machniak said she appreciated speaking with Battlefords MLA Jeremy Cockrill and Cut Knife-Turtleford MLA Ryan Domotor on the budget last week and about what’s happening in the Battlefords. She had the same conversations with Ritchie.

Machniak said some of the issues local businesses are facing include dealing with a labour shortage.

“I don’t think that’s anything unusual,” she said. “Most everybody everywhere in the country is looking for more people. We’ve seen signs or heard from businesses that have had to adjust their hours or their operations to allow for the lesser amount of staff they have. So, anybody that’s looking for a job can come to the Battlefords.”

Machniak said she also provided information to Ritchie from the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, from a survey from provincial business members last fall, prior to the new budget, about issues with expansions to the PST.

“There were questions about the PST from several businesses across the province about the broadening of it that happened last fall,” she said. “Of course, it probably came on the heels of that happening, so that would have been top of mind. But also, there are some that suggest, for example, in the case of municipal construction projects, that there should be no PST added to those projects because that’s increasing the cost for everybody on those.”

Machniak said there were a few points in the Saskatchewan Chamber’s document that highlighted some questions about PST. So, she gave that material to Ritchie to see provincially what the chamber’s stance was on those issues.

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