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Local RCMP are working to stay on top of any vehicle thefts occurring in the Battlefords. (file photo/battlefordsNOW)
Seasonal awareness

Battlefords RCMP continue advising vigilance against vehicle theft

Feb 12, 2021 | 1:46 PM

A slight warming up period have Battlefords RCMP warning people to remain vigilant when it comes to vehicle theft.

The detachment released a crime watch advisory regarding a Black Mitsubishi Outlander that was stolen in North Battleford on Thursday, carrying a licence plate number of 196 KXC. Staff Sgt. Jason Teniuk said they usually see a higher number of vehicles stolen during the winter than what’s occurred so far in 2021, other than when there’s a reduction during extreme cold snaps. The upcoming forecast, which predicts the region to get down to single digits by next week, could bring out more attempts at theft.

When it’s super cold, you wouldn’t have a ton of foot traffic,” Teniuk said. “But there’s always those -15 C to -20 C days when you want to warm up your car for a few minutes. In that type of weather you might have more people looking for those opportunities.”

The Crime Watch Advisory Program was brought about in part as a way to help expedite tracking down stolen items like vehicles. Teniuk said it’s something that the detachment hopes to improve at, in order to make sure no crimes are unreported.

“The more eyes we can get out there looking for these vehicles, it’s great for us,” he said. “It gives the public an idea of what’s going on in the community and gives us another chance to work closer with them.”

Teniuk said part of the reason preventing the theft of cars, trucks and vans is that it prevents other misdeeds from occurring as well.

“When these vehicles are stolen, they are often used in other crimes,” he said. “It just complicates what we are trying to do when we investigate [other criminalities].”

Battlefords RCMP are focusing on locating areas where stolen vehicles are recovered and use the numbers from that to tackle trends.

“Try and figure out where vehicles are getting dumped when they’re stolen and figure out any statistical information that can help us with controls,” Teniuk said. “We’re always looking for different ways to capture stats, get information and find the best way to approach these sorts of things.”

For residents, he recommended everyone continue to keep their vehicle secured, to stop those who simply test opening doors anything they see running.

“I’ve experienced that at my residence where someone walked by and tried a vehicle running in the driveway, which thankfully, was locked,” Teniuk said. “Do your best to keep it secured.”

Anyone who locates the stolen Outlander are asked to immediately contact local police, as well as report any suspicious activity witnessed.

On Twitter: @battlefordsNOW

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