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The business community in the Battlefords is optimistic following the province's announcement of the remiainder of Phase 4 businesses, but are hoping for further easing of restrictions before getting too excited. (File Photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
More Cautious Optimism

Battlefords businesses hope Phase 4 leads to more

Jun 30, 2020 | 5:21 PM

The announcement of the province Tuesday, laying out the remaining dates of Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan’s fourth phase, is providing more optimism for Battlefords businesses.

Robin Petersen of Blend Restaurant, is expecting plenty of use of Video Terminal Lotteries, as there’s been a significant number of calls into when they would be back on.

“We look forward to seeing our customers return to the VLT’s,” he told battlefordsNOW. “SLGA will be enabling the machines that will keep safe distances between players.”

Since opening up at half capacity, Petersen said things have gone relatively smoothly. Customers have similar dining habits as before and if there are people still hesitant about dining in public, they haven’t been coming out.

“From what we see, customers are happy to be out, relaxed and just enjoying themselves,” he said.

Considering limitations, restaurants are keeping operations running smoothly, but the sector still faces an up hill climb. Petersen said it will take packing buildings before profits are possible.

“Our industry isn’t going to do well until we’re able to operate at full capacity,” Petersen said. “It’s pretty hard for us to business as normal until we’re back to normal.”

In the personal services industry, owners are juggling new procedures of sanitization, distancing and mask wearing, while satisfying customers who’ve waited for appointments. Lisa Lavigne, owner of Platinum Salon & Spa, said the biggest stress has been trying to accommodate two months with of clients.

“I’ve had to hire, because it’s been that busy,” Lavigne said. “I know there are other stores that have had to lay staff off, but that hasn’t been the case for us.”

Having clients on excellent behavior, respectful in using hand sanitizer and some mask wearing has helped.

“We’ve actually had a few people who have said ‘I had a cough, I’d prefer to not come in just in case,’” Lavigne said. “And even people who have gotten tested and booked their appointments later.”

She hopes things remain steady, but that spending spreads across the community. Many people looking to spend savings they’ve held for the past couple of months will soon have that opportunity with more openings coming in July.

“People will be distributing their money evenly, not just at [a few] places,” she said.

As the next few weeks progress, the Battlefords Chamber of Commerce is focused on advocating for businesses that haven’t received as much attention from government as others. Chamber of Commerce President Harris Sutherland said he’d like to see more help for small business owners to meet their needs.

“Are we going to have the resources available to them when we finally reopen and is the province doing enough?” he said.

And the question of whether owners and employees can recover when things fully reopen will impact on each part of the Battlefords is something Sutherland believes is important to everyone in the region.

“As we move further into the premier’s plan of opening the economy, we look forward to [working to ensure] that the economy, as we knew it, will remain in the Battlefords.”

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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