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Stanley Mission is located about 80 kilometers north of La Ronge. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
arrests made

Threat neutralized after Stanley Mission schools placed on hold and secure

Oct 18, 2022 | 4:23 PM

Two schools in Stanley Mission were placed on hold and secure on Monday due to a threat by outside suspects.

That’s according to a written statement released by Director of Education Darryl Flett. The letter noted both Keethanow Elementary School and Rhoda Hardlotte Keethanow High School were affected by the incident.

“The RCMP were notified and responded shortly thereafter,” the letter stated. “Thanks to their quick response, the three suspects were apprehended outside the school and the threat was cleared and deemed safe.”

School administration is providing debriefing following the incident and any students wanting one are encouraged to contact a school principal, guidance counsellor or support worker.

“We understand that this event may have been traumatic and can cause uneasiness amongst everyone involved,” the letter added. “Rest assured, our education team of staff members take the seriousness of safety measures above and beyond of our students.”

The statement mentioned both schools have been practicing safety procedures for fire escapes, lockouts, lockdowns and hold and secure. The safety practices will be ongoing and administration is asking everyone to cooperate.

larongeNOW reached out to Flett and the RCMP for comment, but they weren’t available by publishing.

Twitter: @saskjourno

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