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The Battlefords Co-op Aquatic Centre is one of the facilities that is being assisted through the town's subsidy. (File Photo/battlefordsNOW staff)
Infrastructure funding

Town hopes regional partners will help city recreation costs

Jun 21, 2022 | 5:20 PM

The Town of Battleford would like to see other partners in the region contribute some of the cost of the city’s recreation facilities.

At this week’s meeting, council approved the town’s annual commitment of $160,000 for 2022, as part of the tenure agreement for infrastructure funding for North Battleford’s CUplex recreation complex.

“The City of North Battleford officially requested $160,000 to continue for this year for recreational funding,” Mayor Ames Leslie said.

The amount is included in the town’s 2022 budget.

CAO Ash Alam stated in his report, that the town previously committed to pay this amount each year for 10 years for a total of $1.6 million for the construction of the CUplex capital project, in an agreement previously signed with the city. This agreement ended in Dec. 2020, and no new proposal was brought forward.

The town’s residents use the recreational facilities in the city and pay the same fee as the city residents.

The town agreed to assist the city again in 2022.

Administration noted the town should speak to the city about the potential for other regional partners also making a contribution.

“The town will be requesting a new agreement for a proposal for the City of North Battleford before considering any future funding request by the city, or for the recreational facility user fee subsidy and operational cost-sharing for the town,” Leslie said.

“This is truly supposed to be a regional recreational [partnership],” he added. “We need to look at our regional partners as well.”

Leslie said the burden can’t continually rest with the Town of Battleford to be the sole supporter of potential shortfalls.

“I have gotten commitment those conversations will happen, to help subsidize the recreation over there from our regional partners as well,” he said.

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