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Sequin Mooswa was found deceased in North Battleford on March 8, 2020. (Submitted photo)
Sentencing hearing

Mirasty sentenced to 10 years in prison for manslaughter

Apr 29, 2022 | 4:30 PM

The victim’s relatives could be heard sobbing, as the man who pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the beating death of Sequin Mooswa was sentenced to 10 years in prison in North Battleford provincial court Friday.

On Oct. 27, 2020, Keenan Mirasty, now 23, of North Battleford, entered his plea to unlawfully causing the death of Sequin Mooswa on March 8, 2020 and thereby committing manslaughter. A charge of second-degree murder in the case was stayed once Mirasty pleaded guilty to the lesser charge.

Sequin Mooswa, 22, was found deceased in her apartment on St. Laurent Drive in North Battleford on March 8, 2020.

Mirasty appeared for Friday’s sentencing hearing via video link.

Crown Prosecutor Brittany Goodman recommended 10 to 12 years in custody, while Defence Attorney Tim Nolin requested slightly over five years.

Nolin noted that Mirasty and Mooswa had an on and off relationship and had one child together.

He said alcohol and drugs affected Mirasty’s behaviour at the time of the offence, describing him as “grossly intoxicated.”

Nolin referenced the pre-sentence report, saying that Mirasty is a young man of Indigenous heritage who had a difficult upbringing. He said he was dealing with substance abuse and addictions but has no prior record. He described Mirasty at medium risk to re-offend, based on a prior report.

Nolin added that Mirasty is remorseful for his actions.

“He understands what he did was wrong,” he said. “He says he has a new perspective and wants to make amends.”

Judge Daniel O’Hanlon said the details of the injuries Mooswa sustained in the attack were “distressing,” adding that the assault was “brutal.”

He noted particularly concerning was that Mirasty’s attack was on the person with whom he was in an intimate relationship.

The judge said he hopes Mirasty deals with the issues that brought him to court, and never comes back.

“I have to consider the victim, the family and the administration of justice and a proper sentence in a case like this,” O’Hanlon said.

“In considering all of the factors, including the extent of the assault on Miss Mooswa, the fact that you went back into that apartment after you were taken out and you initiated a further assault on her, it is going to be a sentence of a higher rate,” he said. “I determine that a fit and proper sentence is one of 10 years.”

When factoring in credit for time served, Mirasty has six years and nine months more to serve in prison. He must provide a DNA sample, and was also ordered to a lifetime firearms prohibition.

At the end of the hearing, a member of Mooswa’s family shouted at Mirasty, calling him a coward.

Following court, in response to the judge’s sentence, Crown Prosecutor Brittany Goodman had only a few words to say.

“Justice was done,” she said.

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