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Chief Tanya Aguilar-Antiman, left, with new FSIN female youth representative for Saskatchewan, Hailey Rose. (Submitted photo/Morgan Wuttunee)  
First for MGBHLM

MGBHLM member elected FSIN female youth representative for Saskatchewan

Apr 28, 2022 | 6:18 PM

It was a proud time for Hailey Rose, the new recently elected Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN) female youth representative for Saskatchewan.

The Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man (MGBHLM) First Nation member is thrilled to have the opportunity to represent Indigenous youth.

The 19-year-old was chosen during last week’s conference.

“I feel super excited because I know what this will bring for my future, leading youth in a positive way,” she said.

Rose appreciates having the opportunity to do something that she loves and is passionate about, supporting the next generations of Indigenous people.

In her role during her two-year term she will represent young people from 74 First Nations in Saskatchewan. She said she will also be able to participate in many conferences and assemblies.

“Basically, you are a voice for all youth,” Rose said. “You advocate for change on Indigenous issues, and you continue to uplift and empower youth, and promote healthy lifestyles.”

She currently attends University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon where she is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Political Studies.

“Over the years I found a passion in leadership and advocating for Indigenous people, wanting us to succeed and stand together in voicing some of the issues that we face,” Rose said. “I like a challenge, and I know that in my heart I can do that.”

Rose noted elections for two new FSIN youth representatives, one female and one male, were previously postponed during the pandemic, until now.

She is the first female youth representative from MGBHLM to have the honour, which will take her across Canada in her work in advocacy.

“I wouldn’t have been able to do this without my family and my friends because they have been so supportive,” Rose said. “That’s important to me because they encourage and motive me, and are a big reason why I wanted to do this in the first place.”

MGBHLM Chief Tanya Aguilar-Antiman said it is an historic occasion for the First Nation to have one of the band’s youth selected for the role.

She noted that Rose is also now the Saskatchewan female youth representative at the Assembly of First Nations Regional Youth table.

“MGBHLM kokums, mushoms, brothers, sisters, mom and dad, aunties, uncles and cousins are super proud for you,” Aguilar-Antiman said. “This is a life experience, an excellent mentorship program for youth exploring politics and advocacy work. Hailey Rose, embrace the moments.”

Aguilar-Antiman said Rose will do amazing work, “representing youth, your family and your nations.”

On Twitter: @battlefordsNOW

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