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Scott Duffee, Red Ceinture Fléchée, circa 2005, fingerwoven wool

Purchasing Work by Indigenous Artists

Sep 15, 2021 | 8:52 AM

SK Arts’ Permanent Collection is seeking work by Indigenous artists in Saskatchewan.

We’re looking for objects such as moccasins, mittens and gloves, hats and other non-ceremonial clothing items, bags and carrying cases, lanyards, dolls, medallions, earrings, necklaces and other jewellery, sashes, weaving, blankets, cushions, rugs and related home décor.

Objects should be original work designed by the artist rather than mass-produced items such as digitally printed t-shirts, mugs, and blankets or dreamcatchers and other popular tourist-market items made overseas. SK Arts will not accept submissions of regalia (including pow wow and other types of regalia) or any type of ceremonial objects. If you have questions about whether your work qualifies for purchase, please contact the Collections Assistant listed below.

You may submit images of up to three (3) works for consideration that are examples of your personal style and skill as an Indigenous artist, as well as your Nation and/or community. Please do not send actual works.

There are a number of ways to apply, including by email, online and phone. To start your application, contact Jessie Short, Collections Assistant, before October 18 at, 306-519-1047 (Regina) or 800-667-7526 (toll-free).

To apply, you will need:

  1. Name
  2. Contact information (phone number, mailing address, and email address, if possible)
  3. Indigenous affiliation (i.e. your First Nation or your Métis or Inuit home community)
  4. Title of each work
  5. Medium (a list of the materials used to make each piece; for example: wood, paint, beads, thread, moose hair, ricrac, etc.)
  6. Images of one to three pieces for sale (the full object in good light, as well as details like backings or finishing on beadwork or quill work, if this is the type of work you are submitting. You may have to submit multiple photos with different angles for each item.)
  7. The price of each work (minimum $50, maximum $700 per work)
  8. A description of your work (maximum 150 words). You may want to explain what makes your work unique. Is there any important information or stories behind the work that you want to share?


Why would I want my work to be in the Permanent Collection of SK Arts?

SK Arts has one of the largest collections of Saskatchewan visual art in the world, and your work could be a part of this collection! Including your work in the Permanent Collection means you will be recognized as a professional artist in Saskatchewan. The collection is frequently consulted by arts researchers, curators and galleries, and your work being in the collection may provide the opportunity for these people to see your work. SK Arts also has an art loan program where artwork is displayed in offices, galleries, libraries and other institutions across the province. Finally, your art will be securely stored and maintained for future generations to see.

Is my work automatically accepted to the collection as soon as I apply?

No. The submissions will be considered by a circle of Indigenous artists who will decide which items will be purchased. SK Arts will respond to all artists with the decision regarding their submissions after November 30, 2021.

If my piece is accepted to the SK Arts Permanent Collection, when will I get paid?

SK Arts will release a payment by cheque once the art piece is received by the Permanent Collection, which is in Regina. SK Arts will cover the shipping of work that has been selected for purchase by the Indigenous circle.

I don’t have any work already made, but I would still like to apply for a piece I’m planning to make soon. Can I still apply?

Yes! If you have no specific pieces ready for submission, and you would like to make something similar to past work you have done, you may submit examples of that past work, along with a general description of the new piece and its price.

Can I apply to this call on behalf of an Indigenous Artist I know?

Yes; however, SK Arts will need proof from the artist that you have their permission to submit this work for consideration. There are a number of ways that you can show proof of permission from the artist, depending on your relationship with that person. Please ask the Collections Assistant, Jessie Short, for more information on how to apply on behalf of an Indigenous Artist.

Can Indigenous people whose ancestry comes from another territory outside of Canada apply?

No. For the purposes of this call, SK Arts is only accepting submissions by Indigenous peoples as defined in the Canadian constitution as First Nations, Inuit and Métis. Indigenous peoples whose ancestry stems from other territories (e.g. Aboriginal peoples from Australia, Indigenous Hawai’ians) are not eligible for this call.

Image: Scott Duffee, Red Ceinture Fléchée, circa 2005, fingerwoven wool

Front page: Joyce Goodwill, Rug (#67064H), 1967, wool/cotton

We acknowledge that the land currently known as the Province of Saskatchewan is comprised of portions of lands from Treaties 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10, the territories of the Nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dene, Dakota, Lakota and Nakota nations, and the homeland of the Métis. SK Arts provides funding and support to the arts for the benefit of all people in Saskatchewan. We could not provide this level of service to the public without ongoing funding from the Government of Saskatchewan and partners such as SaskCulture and Sask Lotteries.

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