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The Turtleford Spray Park is almost completed and will open to the public on August 14th. (Submitted/Turtleford Spray & Play)
Spray ready

Turtleford spray park grand opening scheduled

Aug 6, 2021 | 6:23 PM

One of the most exciting projects for the Town of Turtleford in years is set for a grand opening this month.

A completed spray park, set with additional green space and amenities, will open to the public on August 14. Mayor Lawrence Weinrauch said it’s an exciting development for the town.

“It’s going to be a good asset for the kids to play and an attraction for some of the younger families in town,” he said. “It’s making use of a space that’s been underutilized for a long time.”

Kari Bauldic, project lead and town councillor, said they’ve been working hard to finish the project in time. Bathrooms and the mechanical room are still under work, and for two weeks testing has occurred on the spraying equipment and most of the aesthetic aspects are complete.

“It’s all coming together,” Bauldic said.

(submitted/Turtleford Spray & Play)

The Turtleford Spray & Play Project received $63,000 in federal funding and $52,495 in provincial funding earlier this year, as part of the Invest in Canada Plan. Thanks to years of fundraising, including a strong push this spring and summer, the community now has $95,447 added to the project, which more than covers the required municipal cost of $42,005. Bauldic said they’re blown away by the backing they’ve received.

“People from Edam, Glaslyn and other areas came and lent support,” she said. “It’s really going to bring people together and we’re excited by the response we’ve gotten, not just from people in Turtleford, but the surrounding area as well.

The funding has already been put to good use. Bauldic said they invested a lot of time in landscaping this summer, laying down sod around the spray pad, but they’ve also been able to make the space a much more distinctive part of the town.

“We’re bringing in willow trees, made a nice parking area and a gazebo with picnic tables, we’ve got park benches ordered,” she said. “We brought in play structures beside the park for little kids too.”

One of the next focuses of the town will be fixing up walking paths, which connect to the spray park area. For now, Bauldic said they’ll just be excited for August 14, which has garnered steady attention in recent weeks.

“We’re getting tons of messages on Facebook wanting to know when it’s open.”

On Twitter: @battlefordsNOW

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