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The Turtleford Spray & Play project, which has been in the works for years, now has provincial approval. (Turtleford Spray & Play)
Splashing ahead

Turtleford spray park project receives provincial funding

Mar 31, 2021 | 5:05 PM

The town of Turtleford will have government support in completing the Spray & Play project.

Wednesday, the province released the list of communities and projects receiving funding through the Investing in Canada plan, with Turtleford’s proposed spray park being among them. Twenty-four infrastructure projects in total are being supported, with $31.1 million from the Government of Canada, $22.7 million from the Government of Saskatchewan and $7.2 million from the recipient communities. This combines for a total of $61 million.

“The funding announced today will help communities build back better, create jobs, and build cleaner, more inclusive communities,” said Jim Carr, the prime minister’s special representative for the Prairies.

“From swimming pools to solar projects, the Government of Canada is taking actions to support families, businesses, and the economy in Saskatchewan and across the country now, so that we can build resilient communities for years to come.”

Turtleford is getting $63,000 in federal funding and $52,495 in provincial funding. Kari Bauldic, Town of Turtleford councillor and the president of the Spray & Play Committee, said it’s very thrilling news.

“We were just waiting for the final approval and I didn’t realize they were announcing it, so that’s exciting,” she said. “We want more outdoor spaces in town, places where you can go with your families, where the kids can play.”

The committee had been fundraising for about four years, holding a number of events, before the pandemic hit. As a result, raising funds for the spray park had completely stalled.

“We had a big supper and comedy night planned and it all got cancelled and our fundraising got put on hold,” Bauldic said.

The Town continued to apply for grants when possible, but were getting discouraged after no success. Fortunately, they received good news just in time for the holidays.

“We got the call right before Christmas that we had been tentatively accepted for this grant,” Bauldic said. “So, we were very excited.”

Turtleford is designated to provide $42,005 in funding for the project, but they’ve already raised more than $60,000 in fundraising. When asked on how that money will be utilized, Bauldic said it will get spent in lots of places, such as landscaping and items brought in for the space.

“Picnic tables, benches, garbage cans, maybe brings in some rocks or fences around,” she said. “It’ll easily be spent.”

The park will be located along the river, behind the town’s community centre. One of the best aspects of being able to this new space to the community for Bauldic is that it’s accessible to everyone.

“Anybody of any physical ability can utilize the spray park, you could roll a wheel chair around, or help other people with [differences in mobility] enjoy it,” she said.

Bathrooms and change rooms will be installed with the park as well, which Bauldic said they are hoping to have running by mid-July. While there is lots of areas to improve on, Bauldic said they’ll take some time before finding the next major project to get behind.

“We don’t have anything planned as of right now, but I’m sure it won’t be long till we have our next endeavour.”

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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