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Auction item #130 shown. Hundreds of items have been donated for the fundraiser. (Facebook/Keep the Lighthouse Doors Open)
Help for the homeless

Battlefords Lighthouse online fundraiser continues to Sunday

Mar 27, 2021 | 2:05 PM

Those interested in showing their support for the Lighthouse Serving the Battlefords can take part in an online fundraiser currently running on the Facebook Page Keep the Lighthouse Doors Open.

North Battleford resident and community supporter Kelly Waters is one of the organizers of the auction that started about three weeks ago and continues to Sunday at 5 p.m.

More than 130 various items have been donated with over $5,000 in committed bids to date.

“It’s been the easiest as far as getting donations,” she said. “I think people really are genuinely concerned about the sustainability about financing at the Lighthouse. It seems to be on the radar for a lot of people, and many people care about it.”

Waters said as people continue to rally in the community for ongoing sustainable funding for the Lighthouse, she hopes the fundraiser will help give a little bit of a boost to the organization.

“Maybe this will help too, to show the community does care,” she said.

She added there has been a great response from the community for the fundraiser.

“Every time we post something there is bidding right away,” Waters said. “So we are not really putting a deadline for donations.”

When the auction is over those with the winning bids will be contacted to receive the item they were vying for.

Waters mentioned there have been some interesting items donated for the event as well, including a live performance by Celtic band Back of the Bus. Many businesses such as Cafe 4 U, Silvester Glass, and Blue Mountain Adventure Park have also made donations.

“It’s really inspiring,” she said. “We thought, let’s give this a try. It’s been very successful and well-received.”

On Twitter: @battlefordsNOW

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