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Mask wearing in public places will be mandatory in the municipalities of both Battlefords' mayors. (Josh Ryan/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Community-wide rule

Provincial mask mandate coming to the Battlefords

Nov 13, 2020 | 3:35 PM

Residents in the Battlefords can expect significant changes to daily routines, following the latest announcement from the Government of Saskatchewan.

Friday morning, the province presented a new mandate with increased restrictive measures designed to curb the spread of COVID-19. These measures includes mandatory mask wearing in any indoor public place in communities with a population of more than 5,000. This will begin November 16 and run for 28 days.

Battleford Mayor Ames Leslie said he wasn’t surprised by the news.

“Looking at recent restrictions within Manitoba and Alberta, it wasn’t a surprise that it would be our turn to put some things forth,” Leslie said.

The question of whether or not Battleford would fit into the 5,000 plus population group is answered in a caveat from the government. Any communities in close proximity to cities like Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert and North Battleford are also to have a mandatory mask policy.

“I think it only makes sense that the Town of Battleford, given its close proximity to North Battleford, would be included in this mandate,” Leslie said. “I’d assume it would be the same as other smaller communities.”

Other changes in the mandate include a curfew on alcohol being served past 10 p.m., schools moving back to level three in its back-to-school plans and aerobic group fitness activities limited to a maximum of eight participants. Leslie said any more rolling back of COVD-19 precautions will likely depend on whether or not residents comply with the mandate.

“If we don’t try to do our best to make sure we wear a mask, wash our hands and continue social distancing, that is going to be the tell-tale of further restrictions,” he said.

In addressing potential issues that could pop up locally, Leslie said he has some questions yet about the mandate from the province. Manitoba and Alberta, areas with higher infection totals decided on a similar mandate for 14 days. Leslie said he’s also posing questions such as who will pay for the masks of the less fortunate.

“Not everyone can afford to go and buy a box of masks for more than $50,” Leslie said. “Who’s going to buy the masks and who is going to enforce it?”

North Battleford Mayor David Gillan was not available at the time of publication for comment.

As of November 13, there are 4,513 positive cases of COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan, along with 3,057 recoveries and 29 deaths.

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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