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Residents in North Battleford can now bid on surplus goods via an online auction. (File Photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Online auction

City surplus goods available online in North Battleford

Sep 21, 2020 | 12:46 PM

North Battleford residents now have a new avenue for finding a variety of used, and unused, items at a low price.

The city announced last week that surplus and unused good goods will be made available through online auctions. Communications Administrator Dustin MacDonald said this process to sell vehicles, tires and various other items, should benefit both the city and potential buyers.

“Provide the public an open and fair way to bid on surplus goods that have met the expected life cycle with the city,” MacDonald said.

The city is using to auction off the goods, as the site specializes in auctioning off government goods. In the past, equipment and vehicles were sent to public auction, with a tender process being used for large items like the Don Ross Arena Boards.

“A lot of smaller items were not disposed of and the website will give us the opportunity to clean a lot of that stuff up,” Fleet and Maintenance Manager Seton Winterholt said. “It will be much more efficient than the tender process and easier to access, than waiting for local public auction.”

The global exposure of an online sale should help with specialty items, but MacDonald said that it should also make the process more open and fair amongst local buyers.

“Residents can now bid on and purchase items at really good prices,” he said.

Anyone interested in the auction can peruse items online or by navigating to “Government Surplus Auctions” under the Resident Services section of Bidders must be registered users of the site, and MacDonald noted all auction end times are in Eastern Standard Time.

“If they’re expecting to make a late bid, they should be aware of those times,” he said.

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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