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A Prince Albert locksmith shop is offering a new product to its customers to help reduce contact with others. (Accra Lock/ Facebook)
Getting A Grip

Prince Albert business reimagines the door handle

May 6, 2020 | 11:56 AM

Necessity is the mother of invention, and a local locksmith shop has created a device that allows people to open doors in a new way.

Manager at Prince Albert based Accra Lock Burgess Vatamaniuck, explained he first came across the ‘door claw’ idea online, allowing people to open doors with their feet.

“I saw it and I thought, ‘I can make that in shop.’ I made one, just as a trial run to just see how well they would go,” Vatamaniuck told paNOW. “A lot of people are not wanting to touch things but (still want to) go into a business. I think this could really help local businesses in the area.”

Vatamaniuck said he’s only created the one, but said the prototype was easy to create and expects it wouldn’t take long to make a few more.

The door claw installed at his business has been used quite frequently as he noted the paint is already warm off.

“The other (online) ones were only made out of aluminum and frankly, quite flimsy in my opinion, so I figured I’d make mine out of quarter inch steel plate and so far it seems to be standing up pretty well,” Vatamaniuck said.

He suggests the device can be installed anywhere on the bottom of an out-swinging door made of aluminum or steel material in which a customer would regularly use the pull handle.

Vatamaniuck noted business has been slower at the shop, as the majority of people are self-isolating at home, which has led to order cancellations as residents would like to avoid contact.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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