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Argentina’s Fernández releases memoir ahead of elections

Apr 26, 2019 | 12:58 PM

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Former Argentine President Cristina Fernández has published a new book just months before presidential elections.

The release of the memoir “Sincerely” sent supporters scurrying to bookstores Friday in search of a copy.

Fernández was president of the country from 2007-2015. She has not formally declared her intention to run in October elections, but has been viewed as a possible challenger to conservative President Mauricio Macri.

The release of her memoir fueled speculation that she would join the contest.

In the book, the leader analyzes her private life and allegations of corruption.

The leftist leader is known for her interventionist and populist policies while in office. Some credit her for leading the country out of an economic crisis, while others blame her for creating its current woes.

The Associated Press

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