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Brad Wall’s approval rating drops

Sep 22, 2016 | 12:24 PM

Brad Wall remains the most popular Premier in Canada, but his numbers are slipping.

An Angus Reid poll released Thursday shows that while he leads the pack, his approval rating is down nine points since the spring.

From a high of 71 per cent in December 2011, he now sits at 57 per cent in September 2016.

The poll puts the slide down to the issues Wall has had to react to this summer.

There are ongoing questions about the deficit and the cost-saving measures the government is taking.

There was also the Husky Energy oil spill, talk of a potential sale of SaskTel, his deputy, Don McMorris pleaded guilty to drinking and driving and the shooting death of indigenous man Colton Boushie led to a debate about racism in Saskatchewan.

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne is at the bottom of the pack with an approval rating of just 20 per cent.

The Angus Reid survey was done online by 4,629 Canadian adults who were randomly selected between Sept. 5 and 11.

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