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Help with BBEX nomination process as deadline nears

Jul 18, 2016 | 7:00 PM

Organizers of this year’s Battlefords Business Excellence (BBEX) awards are making sure nobody struggles to put together a nomination.

For the third year, the chamber of commerce has hired a contract employee to provide help with assembling the necessary nomination package. Chamber Executive Director Linda Machniak says more than 20 packages are in the process of being assembled, with a deadline of Friday, July 22. She estimates at least 25 nominations will come in by the time it’s said and done, since an application may be for two categories.

Machniak explained they want to make the process as simple as possible.

“We know that everyone is really busy. We just want to make sure that the best package is put forward,” she said.

Machniak said it was the feeling of the judges that it was important to make sure the nominations are complete.

“They want to be able to make the very best decision possible,” she said. “So through the preselection committee they’ve noted that if there was any way to support the businesses, and answer any questions they have or ensure the package comes in as complete as possible… the committee has made that decision to help support business and do that.”

There are six categories: New Business Venture, Customer Service, Marketing, Micro Business, Community Contribution, and Battlefords’ Best Employer. Any of the finalists will be eligible for Business of the Year.

Nominees will be announced in the fall. The winners will be announced at a gala Tuesday, Oct. 4.


Geoff Smith is battlefordsNOW’s News Director, business and agriculture reporter. He can be reached at or tweet him @smithco.