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Health care and the effect of carbon pricing measures on the rising cost of living across Canada are slated to take centre stage at Monday's meeting of the country's premiers and territorial leaders i...
Nov 06, 2023
The Saskatchewan NDP is raising the alarm about a shortage of occupational therapists.The official opposition is putting the provincial government on blast for failing to attract and recruit medical s...
Nov 05, 2023
The Saskatchewan Party held its 2023 convention on Saturday, when Premier Scott Moe received 97 per cent approval ahead of the scheduled 2024 election."Some of the most significant challenges that we'...
Nov 04, 2023
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is praising Saskatchewan's premier and finance minister for the province's fight against the federal government's carbon pricing efforts.His remarks on Premier Sco...
Nov 04, 2023
After over 85 years of service, Meadow Lake will bid farewell to the Salvation Army following a decision to close the longstanding community institution."The work of the Salvation Army has kind of dim...
Nov 02, 2023
Two of Canada's Prairie premiers say Ottawa's decision to exempt the carbon tax on heating oil fails to address affordability needs in Alberta and Saskatchewan.Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced ...
Oct 27, 2023
Members of the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation have overwhelmingly voted in favour of job sanctions.Of the 90 per cent of the members who voted, 95 per cent cast their ballots in favour of sanctions...
Oct 27, 2023
On Friday morning, the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF) is expected to release what job action could look like if contract talks with the provincial government continue to go nowhere.Last week,...
Oct 27, 2023
The Village of Zenon Park is one of nine communities in Saskatchewan getting funding to undertake a water infrastructure project.It's receiving over $80,000 from the federal government and roughly $67...
Oct 24, 2023
Over three million menstrual products will soon be handed out across the province.Laura Ross, Saskatchewan's Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, was in Prince Albert on Monday where she anno...
Oct 23, 2023