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Nearly three weeks after a woman on remand at the Pine Grove Correctional Centre (PGCC) was rushed to hospital, comes tragic news she has died. Out of respect for the family, paNOW has opted not to pu...
Apr 16, 2024
As both sides return to the negotiating table, Premier Scott Moe said he feels confident that a deal will be struck this time between the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation and the Government-Trustee B...
Apr 16, 2024
Saskatchewan's finance minister was ordered to apologize Monday after she sent the Speaker a text accusing him of letting the legislature devolve into an "Opposition puppet show." Donna Harpauer deliv...
Apr 16, 2024
Saskatoon mother Tamara Hinz says her two kids have watched the same puppet show that thousands of other Saskatchewan children have seen over the last 17 years.The "I'm the Boss of Me" presentation fo...
Apr 13, 2024
The Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation is set to remove sanctions as talks with the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee (GTBC) are poised to resume next week.The Teachers' Federation (STF) announce...
Apr 12, 2024
A two-page letter recently posted to the website of the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division is drawing some ire from the union that represents support staff in the division. Kent Peterson, president o...
Apr 11, 2024
As Saskatchewan's teachers start an indefinite term of "work to rule," the province's education minister appears to be opening up more avenues to try to get the teachers' committee to the bargaining t...
Apr 09, 2024
The calendar has now turned to April which means the province is gearing up for what could be another intense wildfire season. The season officially began on April 1 but as Steve Roberts, vice preside...
Apr 08, 2024
North West College is seeing some good news in the province's latest budget to help with its plans for a new Battlefords campus.The province has announced $250,000 that will help the college in its pl...
Apr 05, 2024
Education Minister Jeremy Cockrill offered a small glimmer of hope Monday that teachers and the Saskatchewan government could resume negotiations on a new contract."There is a good possibility of us m...
Apr 01, 2024