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POLL: Will you be getting a flu shot?
Voting Ends: Never


POLL: Who wins the Battle of Alberta?

The Calgary Flames and the Edmonton Oilers are facing each other in the playoffs for the first time since 1991. In an offensive-minded Game 1, the Flames took first blood with a 9-6 victory.

Which team will emerge at the end of this best-of-7? Let us know in the poll below.

0% Vote
0% Vote
Voting Ends: May 25, 2022 | 12:00 PM
POLL: How are you adjusting to high gas prices?

This week, gas stations started posting prices in the Battlefords that are getting close to $2 per litre. Given how much more filling up your tank is going to cost, paired with inflation, saving monthly expenses is going to require creativity.

How are you managing to save this summer? Hopping on your bike, taking less cross-provincial trips or other cost saving measures? Let us know in the poll below.

Walking/biking to work
8% Vote
Driving to other cities less often
4% Vote
Getting errands done all in one trip
29% Vote
Spending less on food, entertainment, etc
50% Vote
8% Vote
Voting Ends: May 24, 2022 | 12:00 PM

Browse our previous polls to see how your answers stacked up against other readers.