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Nearly two weeks after the end of the longest government shutdown in U.S history, many federal workers still have not received their back pay or have only gotten a fraction of what they are owed as go...
Feb 08, 2019
EDMONTON - The Alberta government has created a working group to determine the most effective way to ban conversion therapy. Health Minister Sarah Hoffman says the practice is both damaging and h...
Feb 08, 2019
WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump pronounced himself eager to work with Congress on a plan to rebuild America's crumbling roads and bridges, but offered no specifics during his State of the Union sp...
Feb 08, 2019
CUCUTA, Colombia - For Anahis Alvarado, whose battle with kidney failure has become more desperate as Venezuela sinks deeper into crisis, the prospect of bringing in emergency medical and food supplie...
Feb 08, 2019
SAN FRANCISCO - The National Transportation Safety Board will investigate a natural gas explosion in San Francisco that sent flames into the sky for hours and damaged five buildings, an official said ...
Feb 08, 2019
OTTAWA - Indigenous Services Minister Seamus O'Regan says he will visit a northern Ontario First Nation to see its housing situation at the request of the community's chief. O'Regan spoke to the chief...
Feb 08, 2019
ATLANTA - Rapper Lil Baby was arrested in Atlanta after he recklessly passed other cars at high speed in an orange Corvette and tried to flee a state trooper, according to the Georgia State Patrol. Th...
Feb 08, 2019
OTTAWA - The Trudeau Liberals have delayed a law meant to help Indigenous children due to concerns from some Indigenous leaders. The bill on Indigenous child-welfare services was expected to be tabled...
Feb 08, 2019
EDMONTON - A hate letter bearing a United Conservative logo dropped off at an Edmonton mosque has Muslim advocates and Premier Rachel Notley demanding party leader Jason Kenney take a strong...
Feb 08, 2019
OTTAWA - The long-delayed introduction of cameras to broadcast meetings of the Senate is proceeding after a shaky start. The House of Commons has been televised for more than 40 years but the Senate i...
Feb 08, 2019