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Creative fundraising ideas, plenty of volunteer commitment, and even chipping away at the ice surface by hand. Those are just some of the ways a dedicated band of people are meeting the challenges of ...
Feb 13, 2019
Upcoming changes to the Canadian junior curling championships are facing resistance as some young curlers lament losing a year of eligibility to play in it. Curling Canada announced&nbs...
Feb 13, 2019
OTTAWA - Three years after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised a national youth policy, the federal government is still trying to determine what it should include. Trudeau appointed himself the min...
Feb 13, 2019
TORONTO - For at least part of one season, Jeremy Lin might have been the most popular player in the NBA. Starting the 2011-12 campaign as a deep bench player sleeping on his brother's couch, he led a...
Feb 13, 2019
WASHINGTON - The head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency resigned Wednesday after a two-year tenure in which he managed the response to historic wildfires and major hurricanes but was dogged b...
Feb 13, 2019
OCILLA, Ga. - A lawyer for 21 Savage says the Grammy-nominated rapper has been released from an immigration detention centre in south Georgia. Immigration lawyer Tia Smith said in an email that the ra...
Feb 13, 2019
TORONTO - There could be a major shift in the way sexual abuse and harassment cases are handled in Canadian amateur sport. Kirsty Duncan, Canada's Minister of Science and Sport, hinted Monday tha...
Feb 13, 2019
HALIFAX - The revelation that the embattled QuadrigaCX cryptocurrency exchange recently lost track of more than $460,000 in crypto-coins has left some industry observers reeling with di...
Feb 13, 2019
WASHINGTON - Just up Pennsylvania Avenue from Capitol Hill, where a roof-raising posse of congresswomen wearing white upstaged Donald Trump during last week's state of the union, a drizzle-s...
Feb 13, 2019
TORONTO - Longtime CBC foreign correspondent Joe Schlesinger, who spent decades covering war zones and global events that shaped history, has died after a lengthy illness. A spokesman f...
Feb 13, 2019