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Newfoundland and Labrador announced weed will be sold through private stores

Nov 23, 2017 | 11:30 AM

ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — Newfoundland and Labrador has announced recreational marijuana will be sold through private stores.

The provincial government unveiled its plan Thursday, which will see the Crown-owned liquor corporation oversee the distribution to private retailers who will sell it.

As well, it set the legal age at 19 — the same as for alcohol consumption — and restrict use to private residences.

The federal government has introduced legislation to legalize recreational weed by July 1, but left distribution and regulation to the provinces.

Newfoundland and Labrador said Thursday it will issue a request for proposals for private retailers.

The province says the Newfoundland and Labrador Liquor Corporation will control the possession, sale and delivery of cannabis, and set prices. It will also be the online retailer “at the outset,” although licences may later be issued to private interests.

The liquor corporation may sell marijuana itself in areas where private retailers have no interest in operating, the province says.

“We have made good progress with our preparations on cannabis and will be ready for full implementation of its legalization next summer,” Justice Minister Andrew Parsons said in a statement.

Finance Minister Tom Osborne said Thursday Ottawa’s proposed 50-50 split of tax revenue is inadequate, “and we are pressing for a more equitable arrangement aligned with actual cost burdens.”

The Canadian Press