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SIIT JobConnections Bus Launch

May 13, 2019 | 9:50 AM

The SIIT JobConnections Bus Launch will be Wednesday, May 15th – World Trade Centre at Prairieland Park Hall A/ 503 Ruth St. W, Saskatoon at 6:30 p.m.

Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT) is pleased to announce the official launch of a new, all season JobConnections Bus. T

he new bus will provide enhanced, mobile career services to communities’ province wide.

Funded by the Government of Canada- Indigenous Services Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada- the bus offers a range of services for job seekers and employers- providing opportunities for businesses across a variety of industries to connect with a skilled workforce.

“This technologically equipped all season bus allows JobConnections to reach more job seekers. In regions without access to traditional employment services, this program provides a forum to engage employers and a local labour force.” Lisa Shingoose, Vice President Employment Development and Career Services- Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies

Over the past ten years, JobConnections has provided employment and career services to more than 300 Indigenous and Non-Indigenous communities, empowering nearly 5,000 clients with connections to employment.

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