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North Battleford Director of Protective Services Lindsay Holm, front right, at Monday's council meeting. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Support for families

City running ‘Toys for Tickets’ campaign to support Interval House

Nov 28, 2023 | 6:41 AM

Got a ticket? Give a toy.

The City of North Battleford is launching a new campaign where people who receive parking tickets can have the option to either pay their ticket at City Hall or donate a new toy with the receipt of purchase in the amount valued at $20 or more to City Hall. The amount will be based on their actual ticket price or the penalty discount if it’s before the deadline.

City of North Battleford Director of Protective Services Lindsay Holm, who proposed the idea at council’s meeting Monday, said in his report that from Christmas to New Year’s, the city’s Community Safety Officers (CSOs) customarily place a warning letter on vehicles found to be contravening the city’s Traffic Bylaw rather than issue tickets, in the holiday spirit.

This year the city wants to try something new instead.

“The Toys for Tickets has been well received across the provinces of Alberta and Ontario, and in many cases, participants of the program have been pleased to absolve their tickets via a donation that stays within the community,” Holm said.

The new toys collected will be donated to the Battlefords Interval House for Christmas Hampers. Tickets under Traffic Bylaw No. 1946 range from $20 to $60, depending on whether they are paid prior to the discount period deadline.

“I’m kind of excited about it,” Holm said of the campaign. “I know we’ve done this in the past, but previously there was no way of actually getting any toys for kids. It was always just a donation to charity. I’m hoping there is going to be some good uptake on it, with people receiving some parking tickets that they will come down to City Hall. As long as they make a donation for the equal amount of the early payment for their ticket…, we’ll be more than happy to rescind their ticket for them, and we’ll make sure the ticket is removed provided they bring a toy with the receipt into City Hall.”

Council liked the idea of the campaign and supported the proposal unanimously.

Coun. Kent Lindgren asked the city to keep track of the dollar value the city is essentially forgiving through the campaign.

“We’re in essence giving a contribution, so I’d like to know what that would be equal to, to see what the city’s contribution is,” he said.

City Manager Randy Patrick noted the city can do its best to keep a tally.

“We weren’t getting any money before, so there’s no real difference in income coming into the city. We will do our best to track it,” he said. “I think it makes people feel good, at least that it’s going to a good cause. It’s not optional anymore. Pay the ticket or bring the toy in, either way.”

Patrick said he just might donate a toy himself to support the campaign as well.

The Toys for Tickets campaign will run from Nov. 29 to Dec. 20, 2023.

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