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Encouraging Aboriginal Arts and Culture

Aboriginal Arts and Cultural Leadership Grant

Mar 28, 2019 | 9:23 AM

The Aboriginal Arts and Culture Leadership Grant (AACL) supports the sharing of cultural skills and knowledge to young people through participatory cultural activity with First Nations or Métis arts and culture leaders.

Find the Direct Page here:


Project funding up to a maximum of $30,000 with conditions. Please see the application guidelines for more information and examples of how eligible expenses are calculated.


The AACL program aims to advance the course of culture in Saskatchewan by supporting:

  • the sharing of cultural skills and knowledge to young peoples through mentorship opportunities that promote the world views, cultural practices and activities of First Nations and Métis peoples in Saskatchewan;
  • the development of cultural organizations in their ability to deliver and sustain cultural programming with First Nations and Métis peoples and communities, as well as to respond to emerging needs and changing demographics of the province;
  • increased employment opportunities for First Nations and Métis arts and culture resource peoples who offer cultural programming unique to Saskatchewan;
  • cultural awareness, cultural activity, skill development, personal growth and positive lifestyles at the individual, group and community level; and
  • the building of capacity for communities and cultural organizations to assess community needs and to effectively plan and implement cultural programs for, and by, First Nations and Métis peoples.

Before You Apply

  • Please be aware that SaskCulture has transitioned all project grant applications to an online grant application and review system. Applicants must now submit grant applications through SaskCulture’s Online Grant Platform. If there are any questions regarding the AACL, please contact Damon at (306) 780-9251 or
  • Read the program guidelines;
  • All applicants, especially new applicants, are strongly urged to discuss their request with the Consultant prior to submission well in advance of the deadline; and
  • If the deadline falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline becomes the next business day.
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