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Vikki Smart, Saskatchewan Health Authority executive director for primary health care in the northwest, left, and Battlefords MLA Herb Cox. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Mental health support

New community recovery teams to offer more mental health support

Mar 22, 2019 | 2:14 PM

Those dealing with complex mental health challenges will be able to get more support now that Saskatchewan Health Authority has launched a new community support program.

Vikki Smart, Saskatchewan Health Authority executive director for Primary Health Care in the northwest, announced the Battlefords is the latest area to receive the Community Recovery Team (CRT) program which provides a multi-disciplinary approach to local mental health and addiction needs.

“We need to put the patient in the middle,” Smart said. “They need to be there and all the services need to be there for them as they need it in their journey. That, I feel, is really what’s starting to happen.”

Teams may include a nurse, social worker, occupational therapist, peer specialist, addiction counsellor and another recovery support staff specialist.

Battlefords MLA Herb Cox confirmed the province has invested $4.2 million to launch the Community Recovery Teams in North Battleford and seven other Saskatchewan communities.

The new 10-person North Battleford Community Recovery Team includes an assessor co-ordinator team lead, six mental health nurses, one social worker, one continuing care aid and one addictions counsellor.

Johann Engelke, Saskatchewan Health Authority’s Regional Manager for Mental Health, said after a person is treated in the mental health unit of the hospital and released, the Community Recovery Team will connect with them to make sure they are managing well. If they are having problems with a particular issue they will receive support from the appropriate specialists in the team.

“There is a recognition that in order to keep people well they need to keep on their medications. They need to manage their stress. They need help dealing with those stressors that come up daily, weekly or monthly in their lives, so this program will help (provide) that service,” Engelke said.

Battlefords MLA Herb Cox, on behalf of Saskatchewan Health Minister Jim Reiter, said the Community Recovery Team “is an important step forward in our government’s commitment to improving mental health services.”

“This important service provides intensive care in the community, and connects clients with the supports they need to manage their mental health challenges and avoid hospitalization,” he added.

The program was also launched in Prince Albert, Swift Current, Yorkton, Weyburn, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon and Regina.

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