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(file photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)

Drivers urged to be wary of potholes

Mar 13, 2019 | 2:03 PM

While spring may be a welcomed relief for many, it’s a detriment to our roadways.

As moisture enters cracks in the pavement, then freezes and expands, the ice creates pressure, causing the road to break and crumble, creating potholes.

Vehicles driving over the uninviting gaps in the road only cause greater damage and expand the potholes.

As such, the city is reminding drivers to be cognizant on the roads and when driving through puddles.

Drivers are advised to slow down when driving through puddles, as under the water, a friendly pothole may await to wreak havoc on your car.

Further, splashing pedestrians can earn you a $100 fine.

Problem potholes can be called into the city for repair. Though crews may be aware of the problem, in some cases, certain potholes cannot be remedied until spring melt is complete.

According to a frequently asked questions page on the city’s website, if your car is damaged by a pothole, you must make claim through your insurance company. The city will not enter into negotiations regarding vehicle damage.

On Twitter: @JournoMarr

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