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Power poles

SaskPower starts power pole inspections in the North

Jun 27, 2023 | 10:47 AM

SaskPower started its annual inspection of wooden power poles and will be looking at thousands in the North over the next couple of months.

The Crown corporation said it will inspect nearly 97,000 poles across the province, as part of a $5.8 million investment.

Aside from examining the power poles for signs of decay and damage, SaskPower will also test more than 8,200 overhead power transformer grounds in rural areas and install wildfire protection on 2,000 power poles in high-risk areas.

“There are more wood power poles in Saskatchewan than people, and making sure this critical infrastructure is routinely inspected and maintained is vital to grid reliability. It also saves money by extending the life of the poles,” said Tim Eckel, SaskPower vice president of energy transition and asset management. “Maintaining reliable power for our customers is our priority, and we will ensure that this important work is done with the health and safety of our customers, employees and contractors in mind.”

Crews will be working with power poles in Melfort, North Battleford, Humboldt, La Ronge, and Meadow Lake at various times from now through October.

When possible, a damaged pole will be reinforced or repaired and any power pole that can’t be safely repaired will be marked for replacement or moved into a future line rebuild.

No power outages are expected while crews conduct this work.

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