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(File photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)

Multiple tickets issued during check stop in Beauval

Jun 22, 2023 | 10:31 AM

Dozens of tickets and license suspensions were handed out during a multi-agency check stop last weekend in Beauval.

The Meadow Lake Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan (CTSS), the Highway Patrol and conservation officers carried out the check stop.

As a result of that day, five license suspensions and vehicle impoundments were given for driving under the influence of cannabis.

Several tickets were also issued for infractions like driving while suspended, speeding and not having a child in an appropriate restraint system or booster seat.

“We’re entering peak camping and fishing season,” said Cpl. Blair de Bruin from Meadow Lake CTSS. “We know lots of people are on the roads to lakes and cabins, so we grasped the opportunity for CTSS to set up a check stop with our provincial partners to ensure everyone is driving safe, and abiding by provincial regulations.”

Officers also inspected 13 boats for invasive species, four commercial vehicle inspections were carried out and two bear hunters were checked for compliance with regulations.

Warnings were also issued for angling-related infractions and transporting watercraft with a plugged drainage hole.

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