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Million dollar donation pushes New Beginnings campaign over goal

Feb 7, 2019 | 1:57 PM

A $1 million donation has pushed the Saskatchewan Hospital New Beginnings campaign over its $8 million fundraising goal.

The contribution from Rawlco Radio owners Gordon and Jill Rawlinson will support the patients and staff at the new Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford (SHNB). In recognition, the main lobby and central hub of the new SHNB will be known as the Gordon and Jill Rawlinson New Beginnings Centre.

“Our hearts are so touched by the generous donation,” director Linda Shynkaruk said. “It has allowed us to realize our goal of being able to provide a home-like therapeutic environment for our patients and a wonderful work environment for our staff.”

She said the funds will go towards purchasing equipment and furnishings. This has and will include everything from patient beds, tables and chairs, to dietary equipment, machinery for patient programs, and health care equipment including an onsite digital x-ray machine.

Their donation was made by long-time friend and colleague David Dekker Thursday morning at the facility. He said the couple, who were born and raised in Saskatchewan, have always been “Saskatchewan first.”

Dekker’s and Rawlinson’s business dealings date back to 1963, and Dekker said it was a great honour to make the presentation on their behalf. He said the facility is critical for the province and region.

“There are people here from all over Saskatchewan and all walks of life,” he said. “This is a provincial facility but it does have a huge impact on the employment levels and business community here in the Battlefords.”

The contribution, alongside other recent donations, including $50,000 from the Rural Municipality of Turtle River, has vaulted the campaign over $9 million. The money will go towards a legacy fund to create an avenue for further donations to the facility and supporting mental health care.

On Twitter: @JournoMarr

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