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Better Together project aims to promote healing

Dec 13, 2018 | 3:25 PM

Two local women are working on a new initiative — the Battlefords Better Together T-shirt Project — in an effort to connect the older and younger generations in the community, reduce loneliness and improve people’s wellbeing.  

Pastor Deb McNabb, who is involved in the campaign with youth Allysa Woodrow, said people “need to be connected.”

Called Together Tuesdays the project will run from Jan. 8 to Feb. 26. Each Tuesday young people and older people taking part will wear their Battlefords Better Together T-shirts with a choice of matching logos, and get to know one another.

The City of North Battleford has already proclaimed the youth-driven project.

“It will help kick-start a conversation about the value of being together, despite our differences. It will champion the truth that we need,” McNabb said. “I think just connecting people will bring healing and wellness.”  

McNabb said she mentored Woodrow, who proposed the idea, to help get the project going.  

Woodrow, a Grade 12 student of John Paul II Collegiate said there were several suicides involving youth and older people in the community this past winter, so she wanted to do something to help make a positive difference, to bring the community together. 

“A lot of people in this town were saying we had to something,” she said, in response to the losses. “I’m really hoping (the project) decreases loneliness in my generation and the older generation.”

Woodrow added it can be difficult for people who are alone during and after the holiday season especially, so she hopes the project will help lift their spirits.

A total of about 180 people will be taking part — 90 young people and 90 older individuals.

John Paul II Collegiate, North Battleford Comprehensive High School and Connaught Elementary School students, as well as residents from a number of retirement and nursing homes participating in the project will wear their Better Together T-shirts when they meet to help them form connections. Battlefords Midget Barons hockey ‘Team Cole’ will also be taking part.

The organizers are planning Better Together events both at the participating schools and retirement and senior residences.

McNabb said the project received funding for $1,500 through the #RisingYouth Grant, and involved three partners: Canada Service Corp, TakingItGlobal and the federal government.

She added All Out Graphics will help create the T-shirts for the project. Kids Helping Kids also provided some funding.

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