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Battleford Mayor Ames Leslie, seated centre left, and North Battleford Mayor David Gillan, seated centre right, are shown signing the Declaration of the Inclusive Municipalities in June 2021. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
City and town initiative

Inclusive Communities Survey also offers chance for prizes

Dec 7, 2021 | 5:29 PM

The City of North Battleford and the Town of Battleford are encouraging people to complete a survey related to creating more inclusive communities.

The “Welcoming and Inclusive Communities Public Survey” is available online, from now until the end of February.

As a part of a regional effort to promote diversity and eliminate discrimination, the city and town are conducting the survey of residents’ perceptions of their respective regions as being welcoming and inclusive communities.

Both the city and town became members of the Coalition of Inclusive Municipalities in June 2021, and are committed to developing their own action plans as part of the effort.

North Battleford Mayor David Gillan noted the survey can provide direction to the city in reflecting a diverse community.

He said as the city develops its action plan, the survey essentially will be the first step in this process, “to integrate diversity and inclusion into our policies and practices in the city.”

He said the survey should take only about 10 minutes to complete, so he encourages everyone to participate.

“It’s really a survey of perception, about how people view the community with regard to issues like planning, accessibility, communication, and participation,” Gillan said. “We want to hear from as many people as possible.”

According to the survey introduction, the results will be used to “develop a baseline of the region’s status” as an inclusive community, and to determine priority areas of focus for the city’s and town’s efforts for the future.

All the information provided from respondents will be anonymous and confidential.

This survey is compiled using tools developed by the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan.

Prize incentive

As an incentive to take the survey, participants will also have a chance to win prizes. There will be a draw for ten $50 gift certificates to local businesses that people will be eligible to enter after completing the survey.

If anyone wishes to participate in the draw, the contact information they provide will not be connected to their responses and will only be used for the purpose of the draw itself.

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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