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Drugs, fake ID's and more were seized following a traffic stop near Maidstone. (Submitted/RCMP SK Media)
Stopped, seized

Traffic stop near Maidstone brings firearm, drug seizure

Aug 27, 2021 | 11:41 AM

A traffic stop near Maidstone on Wednesday resulted in two arrests and the seizure of drugs, weapons and fake ID’s.

A Roving Traffic Unit officer was conducting a traffic stop on Range Road 3230, resulting in the arrest of a male and female. A subsequent search of the vehicle found a firearm, illicit tobacco one ounce of cocaine and multiple pieces of identification not belonging to the occupants. Upon searching the female, who provided an incorrect name, police seized two more ounces of cocaine, along with a large amount of cash, packages of heroin, methamphetamine and pills.

Both 32 year-old Richard Dankoski-Bear of Battleford and 24 year-old Larissa Montana of Lloydminster face numerous charges. These include:

  • Four counts of possession for the purpose of trafficking
  • Possession of the proceeds of crime under $5,000
  • Possession of identity documents
  • Possession of a firearm without a licence
  • Possession of a firearm in a vehicle
  • Possession of a prohibited device
  • Possession of a concealed weapon
  • Possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose
  • Possession of unstamped tobacco products
  • Unlawfully import tobacco