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The City of North Battleford thanked sponsors of public skating programs, which will continue through March. (File photo/BattlefordsNOW Staff)
Free skate utilized

City thanks sponsors for public skating support in 2020

Feb 22, 2021 | 5:06 PM

While the City of North Battleford will continue to offer free skating programs for local residents until the end of March, community support was vital in 2020 for keeping public skating alive in the city.


In a video released over the weekend, Mayor David Gillan thanked the service clubs who sponsored the city’s free skating programs. One-hundred and thirty-one total hours of public skating were offered in 2020, with 2,217 participants attending.

“Sponsoring these skating programs is only one of many community programs and projects these fine organizations contribute to throughout the year,” Gillan said. “Again a huge thank you.”

Restrictions and public health guidelines affected recreation across Saskatchewan in 2020, though public skating was deemed allowable by the provincial government. While the maximum number of skaters was reduced to 30, Gillan said the city was pleased to have the activity available for families.

“Providing children and adults with a fun, family-friendly recreational activity is an asset and benefit that many residents can take advantage of,” Mayor Gillan said.

Throughout 2020, various groups and organizations moved to cancel events because of the province’s mandate. Communications manager Dustin MacDonald said because of these struggles, it was critical to make sure that public skating was available.

“One, it allows people to get out and get physical active,” he said. “And two, it provided some leisure activities during a year where a lot of them where taken away.”

And while numbers were reduced because of the limits on skating numbers, MacDonald said it still provided some highlights for the year, in part from the efforts residents took to follow social distancing guidelines.

“We’re pleased that so many people were able to participate in a safe and healthy manner, where they took precautions to help each other,” he said. “It’s always so nice when we’re able to see many people and families make use of these programs.”

Public skating will remain available in North Battleford through to the end of March, including preschool and senior times on Thursdays at the Don Ross Arena and public Skating on Saturdays at the Access Communication Centre. Full times, as well as a list of the sponsors of public skating, are available on the City’s website.

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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