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Hard hit Battlefords businesses in the tourism sector could have some relief in the coming months. (File Photo/battlefordsNOW)
Tourism boost

Destination Battlefords excited for tourism boost from province

Aug 11, 2020 | 10:25 AM

Few sectors in the Battlefords have been hit as hard as the tourism sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the government of Saskatchewan is looking to address the needs of such businesses.

On Monday the province announced a $35 million investment under the Saskatchewan Tourism Sector Support Program to boost tourism-reliant businesses and venues.

Eligible hospitality and event/attraction operators can apply for a one-time emergency payment, with payments ranging from $10,000 to $50,000, for the accommodation sector and large event facilities. For attraction, tour or event operators with ongoing fixed costs, payments will range from $7,500 to $15,000. $5 million of the $35 million will go directly to marketing and increasing demand for Saskatchewan tourism experiences.

“The COVID-19 pandemic delivered a devastating blow to our province’s tourism sector,” Minister Responsible for Tourism Saskatchewan Gene Makowsky said in a statement. “The new Saskatchewan Tourism Sector Support Program will provide critically needed support to accommodations, venues, attractions and tourism businesses. The $35 million investment will stimulate the sector’s recovery, build resiliency and help tourism operators continue to deliver remarkable Saskatchewan experiences.”

“With severe reductions in revenues, organizations will be under extreme pressure to find ways to manage their fixed costs and expenses in 2020,” Saskatchewan Hotel and Hospitality Association President/CEO Jim Bence added. “We are very pleased with this significant investment in our industry by the government and we much appreciate their continued support and willingness to collaborate with us during this crisis.”

Destination Battlefords has been working closely with other regions in the province, as well as Tourism Saskatchewan and Destination Canada. Executive Director Ryan Bater said they are focused on the long term recovery and growth of the sector.

“The idea here is to develop a sustained campaign through the fall, winter and spring, in order to develop more confidence in visiting the Battlefords,” Bater said.

Campaigns are expected to launch as early as late next week. Bater said their plan was based on educating residents on protocols and how they can safely interact in different communities.

“So that not only do visitors feel safe, but our local residents feel safe with visitors,” he explained. “There’s a real personal responsibility associated with travel right now, and it’s important that people are aware of that.”

One of the challenges for the Battlefords currently is that tourism in the region is largely based on events. Bater said that imbalance is being taken into account in crafting their marketing strategy.

“Sports tourism, conferences, that kind of thing, is largely what drives our tourism,” he said. “And we can’t have events right now.”

Residents may not have large events for some time. Based on the predictions from the province and the Saskatchewan Health Authority, a full return to social gatherings isn’t expected until the summer of 2021, which Bater said puts tremendous importance on supporting local tourism at this time. While there’s increased regional tourism, traffic patterns on the Yellow Head have significantly changed.

“2021. That’s how long we expect this to last for,” he said.

Bater added he and others are still trying to understand eligibility and the intake process for businesses and facilities. All owners in the sector are advised to go to the government website to understand the application process.

“It’s really important for local operators to get in touch with the provincial government and start their process, to see if they are eligible,” Bater said.

Acceptance of applications begins August 24 and runs until October 1.

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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