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Businesses are working to continue efforts to keep supply chains rolling and loans being processed quickly from the federal and provincial governments. (File photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Continual Communication

Battlefords Chamber hopeful as governmental cooperation continues

Apr 23, 2020 | 8:48 AM

Businesses are working to keep communication strong between themselves and each level of government amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite some hiccups, supply chains are working reasonably well between provinces, according to Battlefords Chamber of Commerce Chief Operating Officer Linda Machniak. The Canadian Chamber and each provincial chamber sent a letter to the federal government regarding rule coordination between provinces.

“Each have their own little nuances in their rules,” Machniak said. “Retailer CEO’s are talking about the challenges they have in adhering to 12 or 13 sets different rules as they’re looking to not only operate now, but to perhaps re-open.”

During the Battlefords Chamber meeting Tuesday evening, Machniak said the federal government has done a good job in a number of ways to help businesses. In particular, they’ve worked at a quick pace to get loans out, she said.

“They used an existing network between businesses to bank, to ensure that the money could flow out significantly quicker than if the government controlled it themselves,” she said.

This comes as language regarding businesses has started to turn slightly optimistic, amid the plan for Saskatchewan to soon begin gradual steps in reopening the economy. Machniak is pointing businesses towards the Canadian Business Resilience Network.

“That’s where they’ve put all materials for all businesses groups to access,” she said. “Even if you’re not a Canadian chamber member.”

We will have more from the Chamber meeting later today on battlefordsNOW.

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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