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Raising Money and Awareness

Saskatchewan Royal Purple Celebrates its $100,000 donation

Feb 21, 2020 | 12:06 PM

“It’s been six exciting and rewarding years for our organization”says Sandi Lougheed, the chairman of the Saskatchewan Royal Purple’s Charity Partnership Committee.

“We started off proudly donating less than tent housand dollars six years ago and we’ve now accomplished our first goal. We’ve reached $100,000 in total donations.”

“Our goal again this year is $25, 000,” says SRPA President Elaine Perkins of Shellbrook.” But even more important is the Brainlove campaign itself. Our members engage our communities and the public in being aware of the impact of brain injury and the importance of its prevention.”

This March will mark the kick-off of the sixth BrainLove campaign, run as a partnership with the Saskatchewan Brain Injury Association (SBIA).

2020 marks two major expansions of the campaign.

Bootlegger’s campaign will include stores in Alberta and Manitoba as well as Saskatchewan.

This will also be the first year of our interprovincial poster contest. Our “Healthy Choices for Your Brain” winners will go on to compete against students from Manitoba as well.“

Our Saskatchewan team consists of our Royal Purple members and lodges, SBIA, and the Saskatchewan Bootlegger stores,” concludes Lougheed. “While March is the kickoff, this month is only the first of a series of BrainLove events including a quilt retreat at the end of March, a golf tournament in June, a celebration in November and Sturling curling in January. All these events and many local events all combine to make BrainLovea year round happening.”

The BrainLove kickoff will occur 11:00, March 2 at the Prince Albert Inn.