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Talking Through Racism

Anti Racism Training in Saskatoon

Nov 25, 2019 | 9:38 AM

The Saskatoon Anti-Racism Network is hosting a series of Anti Racism Training sessions that continue into 2020.

See the posters for details.

Anti-Racism Education

Racism is a reality. Anti-racism education is essential in order to identify racism and effectively work towards the elimination of racial discrimination and inequality.

What is Racism?

Racism is a global issue, not unique to Saskatoon. Racism is influenced by a range of historical, social, political and economic factors. It takes different forms in different contexts. An understanding of the nature of racism is essential in order to recognize and counter it successfully.

Racism comes from a false set of beliefs that one’s own group is superior and has the right to dominate other groups. Domination gives one group privilege, and the other group experiences discrimination. This false belief system is created and sustained by society at a great cost. Racism cannot exist if we don’t support it.

  • Racism is a set of beliefs and ideas that asserts the superiority of one group over another.
  • Stereotypes are generalizations of a group of people based on the actions or characteristics of a few members of that group.
  • Prejudice is a “pre-judgment” of a person or group in a negative light formed on the basis of stereotypes and usually made without adequate evidence or information.
  • Discrimination is the denial of equal treatment or opportunity. Discrimination results from people action on stereotypes and prejudices that they hold to be true.

Racism is a Fact

The large majority of Aboriginal peoples in Saskatoon agree with the statement “I think others behave in an unfair/negative way towards Aboriginal people.” Nine in 10 strongly (51%) or somewhat (39%) agree with this statement; only nine percent disagree. (Source: Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study: Saskatoon Report. Toronto: Environics Institute, 2011. p. 40)

In a sampling of over 3,000 Canadians, 47% of respondents admitted they were strongly, moderately or slightly racist. (Source: Fieras, Augie. Unequal Relations: An Introduction to Race, Ethnic, and Aboriginal Dynamics in Canada. 7th ed. Toronto: Pearson Canada, 2012. p. 94)

Aboriginal people are three times more likely to be the victim of violent crimes than non-aboriginal people. (Source: “Viloence Against Aboriginal Women.” Government fo Newfoundland and Labrador, 2008. Accessed October 1, 2014.)

In a Canadian study, those with English sounding names received interview requests 40% more often than applicants with Chinese, Indian pr Pakistani names. (Source: Cao, Liqun. “Visible Minorities and Confidence in the Police.” Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 53, no.1 (2011): p.4)

I am the Bridge Anti-Racism Campaign

Racism takes many forms. Talking about it is essential to understanding and confronting the misconceptions people may have.

Over the past year, the City of Saskatoon invited residents to submit videos sharing their experiences with racism and ways to eliminate it.

The goal of the campaign is to spark a dialogue within the community and inspire residents to be the bridge to changing the racism landscape in Saskatoon.

View the ‘I am the Bridge’ Anti-Racism Video

How to Be a Bridge

Speak Up. Don’t encourage racist behaviour by laughing along or being complacent, this makes you just as responsible.

Be Inclusive. Being as inclusive as possible will open you up to new people and places. You will have a deeper understanding of different cultures and the opportunity to gain more friends.

Educate yourself and others. Racism must be openly discussed in order to debunk the myths and misconceptions people may have. A great way to get people talking about racism is to set up an anti-racism forum or information session at your school or workplace.

Reflect on an individual level. Everyone sees the world through their own “lens”. This lens is shaped with many things- existing ideas, family, place of worship or schooling, to name a few. You must ask yourself, “How has my understanding of ‘x’ been shaped by my own personal lens? How might other people interpret ‘x’?”

How to Get Involved

To find out how you can get involved in anti-racism projects, contact any of the following through the Community Development Division at 306-975-3378.

  • Cultural Diversity and Race Relations Consultant
  • Aboriginal and Inclusion Consultant
  • Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant
  • Saskatoon Anti-Racism Network
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