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Pictured left to right: North Stars’ Jordan Gagnon, Austin Schwab, Parker Rey, Ryland McNinch, Hunter Rambow, and Dace Prymak enjoy a gorgeous Tuesday afternoon outdoors, while helping make the community a cleaner place to be. (submitted photo/Jennifer Whyte)
Stars Shine locally

North Stars making a difference with community cleanup

Sep 18, 2019 | 10:00 AM

After cleaning up the Kindersley Klippers on opening weekend, with back-to-back 7-1 and 7-4 victories respectively, the Battlefords North Stars hit the town Tuesday for a little community cleanup.

With garbage bags and plastic gloves in hand, several players dedicated their time Tuesday afternoon to pick up garbage and other waste throughout the Battlefords’ community.

Pictured left to right: North Stars’ Dylan McCabe, Logan Spence, Elijah Loon-Stewardson, Quintin Loon-Stewardson and Liam Antoniuk, pick up garbage out of the ditch at the side of the road. (submitted photo/Jennifer Whyte)

North Stars’ Head Coach and General Manager, Brayden Klimosko said with the amount of support the community continues to show the team, any bit the group can do to give back is an avenue the organization is eager to explore.

“Obviously the support we get is unbelievable,” he said. “It goes to show Saturday night we had 1,500 people here for a home opener compared to the year before, and the guys want to repay them. It is tough [though]; how do we repay everyone in this community [when] the way they support us is just second to none? We’re just trying to give back all we can, and be a part of the community as much as we can.”

Klimosko also said that as much as there is an expectation for his team to get out and about, he is happy to see the players volunteer their time to make a difference within the community on a day off.

“As much as we can tell the boys to go do this, they enjoy doing it,” he said. “To give up their afternoon, when they could be golfing or doing a lot of things, for them to be picking up garbage really goes to show the character of some of these hockey players. I give them all the credit because they are the ones doing it in amongst the community.”

Pictured left to right: North Stars’ Dylan Esau, Timon Prexler, Brett Gammer, Austin Becker and Adam Dmyterko pick up stray litter along the downtown area in North Battleford. (submitted photo/Jennifer Whyte)

Stars’ Marketing Manager Jennifer Whyte echoed the coach’s sentiment. She said the team is happy to help out when they can around the community, in whatever way possible.

“Our community gives so much to our club and supports us in such a significant way, doing our part to help clean up is the least we can do,” she said.

On Twitter: MartyMartyPxP1

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