City lawmakers plan to update taxi bylaw
The city plans to update its bylaw related to taxi operations to better reflect residents’ needs.
Council has authorized administration to amend the bylaw and bring it back to council in the fall. The city will have public meetings and a public hearing so residents can offer their input.
Currently, the city issues licences to taxi operators at a rate of one licence per 1,000 people. The new proposal is to discontinue that practice, which should help open up the door for other operators, and potentially ride-sharing businesses, Mayor Ryan Bater said.
“We know the province has done a lot of work on that file,” he said. “We haven’t had any expressed interest from those companies here yet. But there is lots to consider. Obviously, a big part of living in a community is the ability to travel within it. Taxis play a big role. So we want to ensure that we have policies that reflect the needs of the community.”